Tuesday, October 24, 2006


If you know my real name, please please please don't use it, in the comments here or anywhere else. There are many reasons I choose to write anonymously, the most emotional is because I've been stalked before.

But as of today, I have a new reason - I found a horrible evil bitchy post about me on a blog. It's 80% inaccurate and uses my real name and my picture. The post makes the author sound like an immature idiotic crybaby, and makes me sound like a responsible adult. Clearly she doesn't know me well. But it still hurts.

If you know my real name and feel the need to go hunting for this blog, please open a new browser window so it can't be tracked through SiteMeter or some other tracking tool. I'd hate to see her show up here. Ideally, I'd prefer that you ignore her little rant, and spend your hard-earned blog-time writing an emphathetic supportive glowing and virtual-hug comment to this post. I need a little boost today.



carrym said...

Oh honey I can't even imagine what someone would post about you that wasn't 100% glowing in it's praise!!!

I certainly hope it's not another knit blogger, not that it would really make a difference, I suppose.

Just know that the opinion of one f*(ked up person is nothing to worry about, all of us out here adore you! (and even crush on you a bit)

Big, huge, hugs...

(PS. Been there on the stalking thing, sorry that you have had to deal with that, it's really icky)

Mel said...

*sigh* Some people are such shits. Here's one virtual hug for ya.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me! I'm so sorry. And of course it still hurts, even if you realize you're the mature one. Here's another virtual hug for you.

JessZ said...

Screw her! Give the little man a hug, the wifey a kiss and think about all the wonderful things you are going to do to the new house. Don't let her unhappiness bother you.

Danielle said...

Biz-natch. That's all I have to say about her. (And -- "responsible adult" -- what WAS she thinking???)

Alex said...

Aw, mean people suck. I don't know you in real life but I like your blog and I think you're very cool!

Anonymous said...

The only way to offend nobody is to be a hopelessly bland nonentity. This does not describe you, which is probably why I find you likable. I am one of those who know you only though your blog. I expect those privileged to have you in their lives feel even more strongly than I. Just go on with life. Her bitching at you just means you're having one.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine that someone would waste the energy to break down another person...unless, of course, that person is a complete idiot (*cough GW cough*).

But I digress...I have been reading your site for about 4-5 months now (I think?) and am under the impression you are a wonderful, caring person who gives of herself to her friends and family.

That lady is a total f*ckmuppet for writing about you like that. :(

Anonymous said...

That is so wrong. Why do people do that? Probably because they can. I wonder if they realize the power and longevity of such information. I shudder to think that someone would be that malicious.

It sucks, but the on-line rantings of one whacko don't define who you are.

I tried to keep my anonymity, but the blog is now the top google hit for my real name. Good thing my old stalker doesn't have a computer.

At least I hope he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Some people suck... I'm sorry to hear what's happened. You're always so nice to visit on your blog.
Also sorry about the stalking thing. There should be a heftier punishment than there is.

Thorny said...


I wish I could remember who said this, because I'd like to properly attribute it, but I once found this person make a comment out in the wilds of LiveJournal that went like this:

A revolutionary act would be women refusing to shit on each other.

Sorry someone's being a jerk to you, lady. I hope you're able to make like a duck and let it roll off your back, though I know that's about a squizillion times easier said than done.

Also, sooooo with you on the anonymity thing. I've never been stalked or anything (thank goodness), but it still gives me wiggins to think about, especially now that I've got my kids to think about.

wenders said...

Hey, I agree with everyone else - you've got more support out here than you know. :)

nina beana said...

hey femi- i'm apologizing in advance if i've ever used your real name and such, although i try hard not to! maybe i've slipped before or maybe it's just my crazy guilty conscience.

anywho, i'm sorry that this happened. it's weird and creepy and makes me want to kick some serious fanny.


Anonymous said...

Anyone with fire, style, courage and lust for life will inevitably bring on the slings and arrows of mean people who suck. Really, what's not to love? Sorry you ran across the unfortunate garbage.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, horrible. I'm so sorry that's happening. And eek, I just realized that I used your first name (although no link to your blog, but you responded in the comments) back in April, about the boobs/boots incident. Sorry. I just went back and edited the post.

Emily said...

Unbelieveable. I am so sorry that some idiot hurt you. Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs.

ps. I loved the post yesterday and tried to comment but my computer wouldn't bring up the window. I was thinking all evening about the desk, and goofily happy for you!

More hugs!

Anonymous said...

FM, that's awful. Screw the evil, bitchy blogger and the post she rode in on!! You are fabulous! And she's a whole gaggle of assclowns.

As for the stalking, like too many others here, I too have had a stalker. And because my blog is not anonymous, I occasionally get creepy comments from her. I wish nothing of the kind on you.

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

Hey Sweetie,
I am so sorry about that horrid witch! Oh, as for that yarn, that is actually how it arrived. Wrapped up in tissue without any label. Sorry :( But I am glad you like the chocolate! :)

Hannah said...

I am so sorry to hear you are not being treated right. I think the above advice is worth repeating: to hug and kiss your loved ones, look at the new home you are going to create together, read all these comments from folks who care about you and your blog, and keep up the good work!

Bostonworkerbee said...

That is completely awful! Mean people simply aren't worth bothering with! Hope to see you and other gals this week!

Anonymous said...

wow. that's terrible. so sorry it happened. lucky i don't have that problem. nobody i know really well in real life reads my blog.

Anonymous said...

Dude, that sucks. I so don't get why anyone would trash anyone on their blog - let alone someone as charming as you!

Anonymous said...

that crazy het bitch's blog was totally inaccurate, immature, means-pirited, riddled with contradiction and surprisingly ironic.

as for you, you are the most wonderful, amazing, loving, friend i have. i adore you. nothing else needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

Uhg, what a pain. I'm sorry someone's doing that to you.

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you.

Laura said...

I'm sorry, that's poopy. Electronic hugs to you :)

Ashley said...

Ugh, not another knit blogger I hope? I'm pretty sure I've never used your real name, except in emails to you, but I'll go double check right now...I like thinking of you as Mafia better anyway!

Anonymous said...



please know that we here at the pippi house wish this idiot goes far away.
we love the mafia and don't like people who don't.


Anonymous said...

dude, i know i can't say anything new, but i'm sorry to hear that people continue to suck and try to impart suck onto others. glad to see you're not letting it change you. keep up the good work.

Kate said...

'when i met your mother' had a lesson about mean people this week -- when people are mean, we should take away their toys until they learn to be nice again. too many people have been mean to people this week. sorry you had to be one of them, and i'd be happy to take away the other bloggers' toys for you.