Tonight I'll be drinking wine, chatting with smart people, bossing volunteers around (nicely, of course), drinking wine, mildly flirting with rich lesbians, imagining how my life would be different if I had a Cape house, bossing volunteers around, and drinking wine. Why, you ask? Because I get paid to do this shit. I know, it's sick. This can't be 'work'.
If you didn't already know how awesome Danielle is -- here's proof. Yesterday, she and took a lunch-time jaunt to the Cambridgeside Galleria to find a shirt and shoes that I could wear under my blue pin-striped pantsuit. Mind you, I already own clothes that fit the bill, but I needed -new- clothes for this most politically high-powered fancy event. Danielle found me a shirt and matching shoes in under 1/2 hour! How cool is that??? She's just what every fashion-challenged lesbian needs. We need to clone her. I'll get my MIT pals on the job.
Here's the view from my nose. Hot, huh? Shiny chartreuse shirt + Cleave + Chartreuse heels.

Yes, heels. These are fabulous rich gay men, people. I know I can't compete, but at least I won't look like a schlump.
And further proof that Danielle is awesome -- I'm sitting at my desk this morning, and a crumpled ball of paper comes flying over the wall. This is the inside:

Thanks Danielle! You rock!!
Fierce shoes, girl! Bat your eyelashes tonight and rake it in.
How exciting! Good luck!
hurray for boobies.
good luck!
You looked mahvelous, fahling. Not a schlump in sight. You go, fundraiser girl!
Um, that was supposed to be "dahling." Apparently I am worn out.
Good lord. Get off the computer, stop taking pictures of your boobs (although I'm mightily glad that you did not ask me to help with that one), and go schmooze with the rich and slightly boozy gays!! Especially the man with the enormous shoulders, wearing the hot pink shirt and striped tie...
LOVE the shoes - particularly on you. Hope it was all that it could have been.
Fabulous shoes. Good luck with the money raising!
I *love* the shoes, and that color (wish I could wear it). Maybe I could find some way to make that work...
Then again, I have a pair of rhinestone-embellished turquoise spike-heeled sling-back sandals I haven't worn outside the house in the year and a half I've owned them. But I have done a fair bit of strutting around the house in them. :)
(I am not shoe-crazy, I swear. I just have a taste for good-quality leather goods. And I did buy them on obscene clearance with leftovers from a gift certificate.)
The first thing that struck my mind when you mentioned your suit was Dansko Remy in red croc. They wouldn't be suitable for your shindig, though. I love red shoes with something classic/less-adventurous, and these have great lines and are COMFY. Try them on sometime (the Tannery in Harvard Square has them, as does zappos), but don't bring your wallet.
You're going to look glorious! Stricking in that color ... and shoes to match, how could you loose with the smooshing.
Go get 'em!
Hope you shook them down for big bucks!
It was a smashing success, right? (Right?...)
Look at those SHOES!!! Now--can you get some yarn to match?
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