Thursday, June 29, 2006

Home sick

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - home sick.

It's not such a bad deal...

Yes, he's wearing his favorite socks (snowmen) pulled up to his knees, and a Manny Ramirez (Red Sox) t-shirt as a skirt. Wifey was napping, obviously.

P.S. THANKS so much for all the Matisse quilt love. I'm completely bowled over by everyone's kindness.
P.P.S. Emails will be slow for a while as I struggle with my FT job, PT consulting job, and PT teaching gig while trying to heal the lungs. ...cough...


Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

aww! what a pumkin!

sending wellness vibes!

Anonymous said...

When is it that we lose our connection to unabashed delight? I laughed out loud when I saw LM's picture. Time to let PeachPit have at the paints; it's been a while. GET BETTER and don't worry about the rest of us too much.

Hannah said...

Oh, he's hysterical! What a cutie.

nina beana said...

that picture is my most favorite one ever. he looks so stinkin' happy. i want to eat him.

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Ah, the joy of freedom to delve into your own art form. Creativity in it's happiest of moments. LOL, I could squeesh him ... once he's cleaned up!!

Hey, get better soon. Sooner.

Anonymous said...

what an adorable adorable kid ;) too cute.

hope you feel better soon!