And here's my finished Besotted. After blocking, it had such a nice drape that I decided against fringe. Oh yeah -- and -- I just didn't feel like it.

Thanks to Danielle for modeling. And providing the camera. And for printing out the cute little gift tags and wrappers. And for bringing a bag that was big enough to fit both her scarf and my scarf on our walk across campus. And for carrying said bag. According to Chris, this makes Danielle my "work wife." That's fine with me; let's just hope her husband doesn't mind.
I'm heading off to Northampton tomorrow morning, so be prepared for booty from Valley Fabrics, Webs, and Cate. And since I got a gift certificate from Webs for Christmas, I won't be breaking my Knit From Stash rules. Score!
Whoo! Go Team MIT!
And have fun cruising WEBS with Cate!
Nice work! You've earned a little stash augmentation.
Ooooo, have fun carousing around Webs. Maybe I'll get there someday ... but not without my credit card!
Awesome job on the scarves! All of you did so well.
Webs, I'm a wistful wisher there. Have fun and take pictures if you can.
Yay MIT! Someday I'll get to WEBS too - I just heard they're having a grab bag sale on Tahki Cotton Classic. Darned yarn diet!
Gift certificate! I was wondering how you were going to resist Webs, but now you don't have to. Awesome!
Hope you guys didn't freeze. Brrrrrr.
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