These pix are housed in a multi-photo frame that ordinarily hangs in a prominent location in our house. I say 'ordinarily' because all of our wall decor has been in boxes since October. This photo set is one that I particularly miss, so it's a relief that I have access to a digital version.
Taken at Carrie & Hag's house a couple years ago during a weekend trip to the Cape, these pictures show Wifey and Little Man in a moment of pure joy. On the floor. Being silly. Playing with dishes, as opposed to conventional toys. Laughing.
It shows Carrie & Hag's manner of living. Rustic. Cluttered. A little bit dirty. Organic. Homemade. Lived in. Loved. Simple.
It shows Wifey's completely natural relationship with her sister Carrie. Whose house can you visit and feel comfortable in randomly pulling dishes from the cabinets to entertain your toddler?
i seriously heart these pictures, too. although don't i tell you that every time i see them?
Very sweet. In about a month, I can come help you strip wallpaper and paint so that you can get these things back on the walls!
There is nothing better than a place that is lived in and loved for making you feel at home.
Everyday things make the best toys and are extra fun when used in a way they weren't intended.
Beautiful pictures. The ultimate in happy comfort.
That is totally cute! I've got a picture of my boy (now 20) with a colander on his head too. Gotta love it.
I can see why that's one of your favorite things! It's wonderful.
Also, my bloglines dropped you last week!! Boo bloglines! Did you just switch to the new blogger or something?
Oh, Lordy! He's gotten so big!
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