I went alone, which was an incredible gift from pregnant-Wifey. She's so tired all the time, so releasing me from my Mommy duties for several hours was very sweet. I whipped up her favorite ginger snap cookies as a Thanks.
I wandered. I thought. I tried to connect with Kat With A K, but despite swaping cell #s and identifying clothing choices, we never found one another. Did I mention that this festival is huge? My first stop was the main juried show at the Tsongas Arena, followed by the New England Quilt Museum, the Whistler House Museum, the Brush Art Gallery, and a swing through the American Textile History Museum with plans to return when I have more time to see the quilts from Quilt National '05.
There were many many stunning quilts at the show, and I ran out of memory on my camera long before I finished taking pictures. Still, there are a lot of pix, so I'll post my favorite here and the rest on my Flickr set.
by Brigitte Otto (Germany)

Brigitte Otto created this quilt as part of Marilyn Belford's "Artists Revisited" class. Marilyn Belford is an amazing quilt artist who had several pieces on display at the show and I fell in love with every one of them. I'm dying to take the Artists Revisited class from her. Dying. I've already emailed her and hope.hope.hope I can make it happen.
After drooling over the quilts, I walked the
For a baby quilt

Stash-building: for 30s-repro-fun & to represent Little Man's white kitty; for fall trees in the distance of a landscape quilt; and for crazy-mod-fun

Stash-building: because I love Kaffe; and I love batiks with strong geometric lines; and I love green and I LOVE swirls; and there are so many different uses for the blue pods

Stash-building: love Kaffe; good basic purple; teeny pansies will certainly come in handy someday

Stash-building: because I love words on fabric, and the sage accents almost glow

My original intention was to find a bit of this fabric that I've been oogling for months:

It's Alexander Henry's Countdown and I must have it. Also, I'd like to get the multi-colored version too. He also does one of my favorite prints (seen in Nina's wrist cuff-the panel that says "Grace"), the Buckerettes.
While at the Valley Fabrics, I asked them if they carried it. Of course they do, and they offered to drop a yard in the mail. I love them! Go patronize them. They're very very sweet.
Several months ago, I discovered that the folks at Marimekko will send you little samples of the fabrics for FREE! A week after discovering this, I received these in the mail.

Wanna see what happened while I made Wrist Cuffs?

I swear it's not posed at all. Everything is just as I left it.
The craft room is all cleaned up now, ready for more action.
Very cool. I've got to go next year.
Wow! What an incredible place. I still can't decide if I would go or stay home with Wifey to eat ginger cookies, though...
Wow, it looks like you came home with a pretty good haul!
I keep seeing all these knitbloggers try their hand at quilting. I might have to try it someday... =)
You are making me feel guilty whenever I see my never-used sewing machine (I call it the bread-maker b/c it does EVERYTHING). Guess I will have to break it out! Hope to see you in Sept at the Knit-out and Crochet in Boston!
1- Holy crap. I didn't know you two were expecting #2! Congrats!
2- I am drooling over the baby quilt fabrics. I have had my eye on lime-turquoise-whit combos for two years now.
DAMN, I missed it! Completely slipped my mind and I planned to go this year. Ah well, you picked up some lovely fabrics. I am new to your blog, having found it via MamaKate. Congrats on the impending addition.
What fun building Stash! Oh I could get myself in trouble ... I better stick with yarn, LOL.
Wow. I love fabric. My stash of Fabric is limited to 20 yards or so. And it's gonna stay that way so stop enabling.
Ooh, thanks for the Marimekko tip, I've ordered my samples!
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