Thursday, March 16, 2006


I can't remember the last time I stayed home alone for an entire day. If I'm ill, I go to work anyway because I preserve those sick days for Little Man's growing immunities. But last night I woke up sick at 4am and refused to wake up again at 5:30am. So I'm home sick, and it isn't so bad. I consciously stopped myself from slipping into my usual TV-on-for-background-noise M.O. and opted for the silence. Ok, I lied. I watched Ellen at 11am. She's so cute! But I turned the idiotbox off at noon.

The silence is fabulous. I've been thinking, petting the kitties, laying on the couch in that special sunny spot, taking pictures and doing some knitting. It's divine. Can I stay home sick a couple times a week? If I could, I'd be an amazingly crafty girl, I promise. See -

The body of the Booga Bag is done and I'm working on the i-cord.

I started a pair of socks on the train last night with the ArtYarns Supermerino #114 that I bought at Loop back in September.

And I pulled out my design ideas for the Matisse quilt block. I'm torn between these three images:
Blue Hair

Blue Nude II

Blue Nude IV

Help me decide?

And ... Emily, if you're still reading, I'd REALLY appreciate your opinion. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Other than the illness, it sounds like a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Heh, heh ... did you see what ads popped up on your poll results page?

nina beana said...

sorry you're sick...but it sounds like an awesome day-- i wish i could've hung out with you, but i guess that would've wrecked the whole "alone and silent" thing, huh?


Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I can relate to total peace & quiet. Even when I'm not sick!

Beth S. said...

Wow! I'd say that the Artyarns is to die for, but you're sick, so that's not a good choice of phrase. Enjoy your laying-around time, though!

I vote for Blue Hair because it isn't as obvious a choice as the more iconic Blue Nudes.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!

Emily said...

I voted, then I saw my name! I was so excited to see that you were doing a quilt. I voted for the middle one because I like the way it fills the space. Are you doing a literal copy as the quilt block? Are your blocks going to be square, or rectangle like the images? Can you tell I'm excited?!? E-mail me emily at emilyquilts dot com if you want to discuss it.

MeBeth said...

I'm glad you had such a lovely sick day - we all need one of those every once in a while.

Dana S. Whitney said...

How about all three? In panels? Or two with a big pillow sham? I've never quilted, can you tell... but I was very enchanted at the "nations's largest Quilt show last weekend. (They might just SAY that... Texans are like that...) After reading your comment at Wenders' blog, I just wanted to send you good vibes and best wishes.
How much "fabrick" will you get from FOUR POUNDS of yarn. Good grief. (and congratulations... you are so right... going to NorthHampton without going to WEBS would be like going to Ireland and avoiding the beer.