Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm moving the blog to Wordpress. Why, you ask? I'm annoyed with the limited design options in Blogger, and I've heard that the blog has ridiculously huge type when opened in Explorer. But I don't have enough design knowledge to manually fix these things, and that lack of design knowledge keeps me from moving to my own domain. Alas, Wordpress is the next best option.

I sincerely hope that you'll come along for ride. When I started the blog, I didn't really care about readers. It was purely brain-dump. But now that I have a couple peeps, I can't imagine doing this without y'all.

Stay tuned for the new link...


Engranon said...

The big font thing seems to have vanished for me. I think the blog wasn't loading properly because I wasn't getting all the template stuff either. In any case, I'll keep watch for the new link!
(um, this is engranon, but my new identity is acting odd)

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

I now understood why everyone has crazy issues with Blogger when I started up the NASCAR Knitting blog. At least on my site (Wordpress based) I have better control and only have to know simple html tags. PS: Those colors of Monkey look AWE-some!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting with bated breath! But in an excited way, not an obscene phone caller way. You know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

you know i love my wordpress. maybe you can share you're new found design abilities so i can look good too.

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I love the monkey sock colors ... my foot size is only 9 inches. ;-)

Good luck with the move to WP.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move. I'm thinking about one myself in the next month or two.

jill said...

Don't make us wait too long. I might faint from lack of femiknit mafia humor and little man-isms.

Anonymous said...

I had shrimp in my dinner so I am waiting with baited breath for your new look at your new site. I eat a lot of seafood just so I can say that.

Anonymous said...

Me, me, me! Take me! Oh wait, all I have to do is slavishly follow you over to Wordpress... never mind. See you there. BTW, I am allergic to my Bubbles shawl and have this crazy idea that your Wifey might like it (and might need a pick-me-up). Whaddya think?

Linda said...

Of course I will follow you to wordpress! I too had trouble viweing your blog but now it's just fine.

Dot Com Mom said...

let us know the wordpress link.