Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Let the Games Begin...

If we were haggling over concert tickets

Face price: $29

Round One:
My Offer: $0
Seller's Counter: $25

Round Two:
My Offer: $5
Seller's Counter: $20

Round Three:
My Offer: $10
Seller's Counter: holding at $20 as other people look at the house and make offers. oy!

Keep the good Reiki, Mazel, Luck, Thoughts, Wishes, and Hopes coming. At this rate, we'll end at $15, but I hope to get closing costs, a refrigerator, stove, and hot water heater out of them too. Negotiating is fun.

ETA, Wednesday afternoon:
Round Four:
My Best and Final: $15 or $20 with closing costs and other stuff
Seller: pending

Before you leave anymore flattering comments about my negotiation skills, please notice that I'm caving a little. Just a little. But a bidding war has started, and I really like this house. Now I'd better call the mortgage broker again and stalk the home improvement box stores. argh. argh. argh. I want this to be done.


Anonymous said...

You go girl! Hopefully all will be resolved soon.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Hopefully all will be resolved soon.

Erin said...

You rock! Will you pretend to be me if we ever buy a house?

Anonymous said...

What, are you saying you're shooting to get this thing at 50% of assessed value. If you do I will bow to you m'dear. Fingers crossed.

maryse said...

i'm with mamacate here. yikes! good luck!

Anonymous said...

When a Scorpio decides to play chicken, that's almost the end of the story.

Patience said...

Don't you just love a buyer's market after the craziness for so long?

Kathy said...

Holy crap, I want you to negotiate our next house purchase! Good luck.

Beth S. said...

I had hoped you were done by now, but if you're going to get a wicked good deal, by all means keep the ball in play a little while longer. ;-) Good luck!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Usually those appiances (other than a refrig) come with a house. So do you mean you're looking for NEW? If you get all that AND a good price, then I'd say ... "Hot dam to you, girl!" Got get 'em!!

Hannah said...

I have my fingers crossed for you (except when I'm knitting).

maryse said...

where is this house or is it bad luck to answer yet?

Anonymous said...

oooooh, I can hardly wait to see what happens!!! Good luck!!! (and, uh, I agree with the Scorpio-playing-chicken comment ... )

~ hb33 ~

Emily said...

I hope it works out!

Nadira said...

Yay. Am sending "go in and cave already, and then say thank you" rays at the seller.

Thorny said...

Good luck good luck good luck!!!!!

nina beana said...

hey mama-
sending all my love and hugs your way. although if you move, how can i sit on your comfy couch in your comfy apartment and tell you how i wish i could stay there forever, crafting and drinking your tea? you must bring the couches, and i'm sure it will be perfect.

negotiation wars suck, and are so stressful. if you need to debrief, call. if you need anything, you can call john, too.