After reading about two excellent knitters who, like me, didn't get the gold medal, I joked with Ms. Obsession that we should have our own "little post-Olympic knit along that we could name 'Last One to Cross the Finish Line KAL' or the 'Rotten Egg KAL'". She immediately responded with this hilarious button:

So in the spirit of all those KnitAthletes who had personal crises, occupational hazards, illness, kids, or swollen fingers, I invite you to the TURTLE KAL. May all the slow-but-steady green beings of the world unite in a goal of completion, on our own schedules.
Ms. Obsession says it well:
"It's a heartbreaking defeat, but I will not be daunted. I will not give up. I WILL finish this sweater THIS WEEK or die trying. The torso is complete, and the hood has about 6 rows completed. There's also about 6 inches of a sleeve. I can DO it. I can. Stop laughing. So you see, I can't talk now. MUST.KEEP.KNITTING."
Ms. Jess says it well:
"I'm disappointed that I didn't finish, but I feel really good about the way I did it. I chose something that was a real challenge and strove for the gold, but I didn't sacrifice my standards. I ripped out 4" of the front chest, and dropped 2-4 stitches 20+ rows to fix cable mistakes FOUR TIMES. I didn't finish in time for a medal, but I did do something wonderful and without sacrifice. And I'm not done yet! The medals may already have been awarded, but I'm going to keep going until I cross the finish line too."
TURTLES UNITE! Slow But Steady ... steal a button and join us.
*EDITED TO ADD: If you leave your site address in the comments, I'll add you to the Turtle Along blogroll on the sidebar. When you've crossed the Olympic finish line, drop me an email at TheFeministMafia AT yahoo DOT com and I'll turn you GREEN.