Since the BFF&ExGF#2 is currently in Borneo, I have more procrastination to complete. FYI - this photo makes the yarn look pumpkiny, but it's actually more of a rust.
In other news, in the midst of my anticipating-holiday-knitting-funk, I tried to fix the Dianne Blanket. That was a bad idea. See ... I got lazy. After trying to use a crochet hook to fix all those lost loops, I ripped out the entire section and decided to re-knit it. I tried a couple needles sizes and finally settled on no. 5. And I knit up a new section of stockinette. Yucky stockinette that looks like this:

Clearly I missed a step - the ol' rinse and hang from shower curtain rod. Ramen noodles don't make nice stockinette, idiot. Silly lazy knitter girl.
I pause this knitting-related entry to momentarily turn to why my family rocks:

OK -- back to knitting. I have three main projects due on Dec. 25th: 1 skull cap for my Brother; 1 pair of fingerless gloves for my 13yoSIL; and 1 pair of fingerless gloves for my 16yoSIL.
Brother's skull cap will be made out of Jaeger Shetland Aran in a tweedy gray:

13yoSIL's fingerless gloves will be made out of Debbie Bliss's Alpaca Silk in dark blue (photos shamelessly stolen from Wool Needlework (which allegedly has really good prices on this yarn, by the way)).

16yoSIL's fingerless gloves will be made out of Noro Kureyon in shades of gray, maroon and black:

The yarns are lovely. They cost a small fortune. Both Bro and SILs are well worth it. I can't wait to cast on.
Since we'll be driving to northern VT for Turkey Day, I must wrangle Wifey into driving the entire way.
Wife wrangling ... a new Olympic sport??
Thank you for allowing me to pet your new yarns. I'm sure your various family members will love their handknitted accessories...
Have a safe T-day and drive safe.(Well safe knitting while you ride). Nice to know what I am not the only knitter out there trying to talk their sig. other into driving long hours so I can knit.
yeah. I'm knitting for -ILs this year too, and it's a tad pricier than I expected (I'm on my 3rd skein of Manos). But they are great to knit for: already excited and grateful. :)
Ooooh, DB Alpaca AND Noro??? Can I be an "IL" too???
Hope your holiday is wonderful and that you get LOTS of knitting done on the drive. I have to be the designated driver this time around, my gf has schoolwork...
Only just now catching up on my reading. Happy belated birthday! I have yarn envy.
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