Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Newbie Blogger Help Needed

Now that I'm getting comments here and there from other bloggers, I need some assistance from the more experienced folks out there.
  1. How can I reply to comments? They pop into my email account from the address "anonymous-comment@blogger.com," to which I cannot reply. In some cases, I've been able to hunt down the email address from the person's blog. But there is no guarantee that it's listed on their blog. I don't want to be rude, particularly when folks have taken the time and thought to draft long responses, but I don't know how to reach them either.
  2. Should I reply to comments within the comments box? It seems that people don't necessarily check to see if there's a reply comment in the comments box. When I post a comment on a blog, I usually don't check for a response.
  3. Am I supposed to?

Much like the fabulous photography tutorial Photography for the Knitting Blog onBurnt Orange, someone should write a "Blog Ettiquette for Knitting Bloggers" to explain some of these issues to us newbies. Will you?


Anonymous said...

Hi! WAIT A MINUTE YOU WERE IN NH AND I DIDN'T GET TO MEET YOU!?!?!? Darn! Next time, tell a person you're going, kay? Like, for example, if you were going to Cummington, you'd tell people. Kay? ;) Oh yeah, and I've been regularly gifted with dandelions, and this morning, violets, by the short people. Be still my heart.

But I was commenting about the comments thing. That's why I left blogger in favor of typepad, with its regular siphoning of my bank account. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't email people back. I really wanted categories, but the comments were what killed me.

I know that some people install haloscan comments, which do ask for email addresses. They don't keep archives after a certain time, though, so it's a trade-off.

As for ettiquette, most people don't respond in their own comments. There are a handful of bloggers I read who do, and I try to remember to go back and look in their comments, but I often forget. I don't think it's the most common or effective method. Some people respond to comments in a post, but that kind of gets rid of the friendly "hey, thanks for commenting" stuff that we often want to do. That would make for some pretty snoozy posts, LOL. Probably the best method with blogger comments is to go to the person's blog and comment on their current post. That has the nice advantage of making both people feel loved--I mean, read. ;)

So sorry I missed you in NH. Now off to read the rest of your post about NH (I just skimmed it in frustration that I didn't see you).

Stacy said...

This comment isn't about replying to comments, but it is related to readers wanting to read your great weblog.

Would you consider putting a FeedBurner link in your template so some of us more lazy readers can get RSS updates? Not sure what the heck I'm talking about? Take a look here:


I have one on my blog and I put one on the mitstitchandbitch blog and it's handy.

Ol Cranky said...

you can just add a comment as a reply which is what I did and I know a lot of bloggers (even the more experienced, well read ones) do as well. I don't see why there would be anything in etiquette that would prevent someone to reply to a comment if it warrants a reply or
adds to the debate.

I changed to haloscan recently (it doesn't pull previous comments from blogger through, so if you change don't be surpised at that), it has some options that blogger doesn't but I find I really don't use them (though I don't get a lot of comments myself, so someone who does may actually utilize them).

Jessica said...

I use Haloscan. It sends me the comment via email. The email address is included in the text of the email if the commenter left it. I read so many blogs that I rarely ever make it back to reread the comments section so I think sending an actual email to the poster is best. At some point though you get so many comments that it isn't sensible to write back to them all.